Complimenting our "Into the Feywild" collection is a Limited Edition Into the Feywild Lucky Bag! Available for only a limited time and in limited quantities, this is the only way to get this beautiful Feywild embroidered bag, the Dispel x Cantrip Candles Feywild 6 oz. candles, and our personally curated Palette Sets!
Each Lucky Bag comes with the following items:
- Feywild Embroidered Dice Bag
- Two Dice Sets (The second set may be a Palette, Jewel, 7D6, 7D4, Uninked, B-Grade, or Experimental Mystery Set)
- Another Dice Set, Mystery Item or Items Valued at $70 or More! (Chonks, Plush, Candles, Dice & More!)
- A 6oz Cantrip Candle in Unseelie, Seelie or Forest of Fae at random!
Please note that "Into the Feywild" sets CANNOT be found in these lucky bags.
*Due to the nature of this item, returns or exchanges will only be allowed if the primary sets are defective. If the primary sets are defective, we will exchange the set for another set of the same color.
**While the 6 oz. Candles can only be found in these lucky bags. We do offer them for purchase
***Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.